Nursing RN

Computer Information Systems

The AS in Computer Information Systems is designed for students looking to obtain their bachelor's degree and parallels the first two years of most Information Systems' BS programs. The curriculum includes computer programming, introductory computer architecture and general education courses. A computer science elective allows students to expand their knowledge in the area of operarting systems and microcomputers. By working closely with their advisors, students can earn transferable credits that will allow them to enter a four-year institution with the first two years of course material completed - saving thousands of dollars in the process.

Degree Programs

Semesters: 4
Credits: 63-64
Program Map: Download PDF
Program Details: View More Information
Campus: Bethlehem|PartiallyOnline
Program Type: Associate in Science

Northampton's associate's degree in Computer Information Systems parallels the first two years of most information systems bachelor's degree programs. By working closely with your advisor, you can earn transferable credits that will allow you to enter a four-year institution with the first two years of course material completed. You'll save thousands of dollars on your education in the process.


Future Career Paths

  • Systems Manager (with 4 year degree)
  • Top Transfer Schools: DeSales University, East Stroudsburg University, Muhlenberg College, Rutgers University, Temple University, Pennsylvania State University, Millersville University

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