Nursing RN

Application Development

The AAS degree in Application Development will prepare students with the technical knowledge and skills necessary to plan, install, monitor and maintain applications designed to specifications for a certain task. Students will also develop a strong foundation in basic PC applications, client operating systems and computer networking as they explore different areas of application development like research & new development, prototyping, modification, reuse and re-engineering. Extensive hands-on lab time allows students to learn the fundamental concepts of Application Development, Software Development and Lifecycle Testing and Maintenance while preparing them for careers in application development, mobile development, software development or database development. 

Degree Programs

Semesters: 4
Credits: 64
Program Map: Download PDF
Program Details: View More Information
Campus: Bethlehem
Program Type: Associate in Applied Science

The AAS degree in Application Development will prepare students with the technical knowledge and skills necessary to plan, install, monitor and maintain applications designed to specifications for a certain task. Extensive hands-on lab time will prepare the student for careers in application development, mobile development, software development or database development. Application development may include research, new development, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance, or any other activities that result in softwareproducts.


Future Career Paths

  • Entry-Level Programmer
  • Web Developer
  • Software Developer

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