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The Chemistry curriculum makes a strong commitment to the sciences while preparing students for transfer. Program majors gain theoretical knowledge in the areas of general chemistry, organic chemistry and physics, with a solid foundation in calculus and engineering. Hands-on laboratory experience serves as an important component to each course, and program majors are exposed to a number of elements ranging from thermodynamics to organic synthesis. Students will gain experience using state-of-the-art instrumentation, including a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, gas chromatograph and an infrared spectrophotometer.

The knowledge that is gained through the study of chemistry opens many career pathways. Chemistry is often referred to as the central science because it connects on one side with physics and math, on another with earth and environmental sciences, and on another with biology and medicine. Everything that can be touched, tasted, seen or smelled is made of chemicals. Chemists transform everyday materials around us into amazing things. This is why a person with a background in chemistry is prepared to assume a wide variety of positions in industry, education, medicine, forensics, and agriculture.

Degree Programs

Semesters: 4
Credits: 61
Program Map: Download PDF
Program Details: View More Information
Campus: Bethlehem|Monroe
Program Type: Associate in Science

If you are interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree in chemistry or a career in the areas of medicine or scientific research, Northampton's Chemistry program is an affordable way to start. With a curriculum that parallels the first two years of most four-year programs, NCC can save you thousands of dollars on your undergraduate degree. By working closely with an advisor, you can choose the right electives, and stay on track with the requirements of the transfer college of your choice.


Career Opportunities

Chemists often refer to chemistry as the central science, because chemistry plays a vital role in nearly every other scientific field. As a result, a degree in chemistry can prepare students for a wide variety of careers, some of which you may have never considered. The bulk of chemists at all levels are hired to work in the chemical industry either as chemists working in the plant or on the bench, or as technically knowledgeable people who work in the business side of the company. These careers offer a wide variety of paths for both entry and advancement, from careers in industrial chemistry (research, production and technical services) to academic careers (teachers in high schools, colleges, or research universities) or careers in related fields of science (such as forensic chemistry, biotechnology, toxicology, environmental science, or health professions).

Future Career Paths

  • Biotechnology
  • Forensics
  • Toxicology
  • Medical School
  • Environmental science
  • Health Professions
  • Other Chemistry-related fields

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