Business & Professional Services

Social Science and Human Services

Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you want to explore ways to impact the world around you? If this is you, then this is the right area of study for you! Choose to enter fields such as law enforcement, health care or public service or choose to transfer and complete your degree at a four-year institution.

Social Science and Human Services Credit Programs

Social Science and Human Services Career Training Options

Non-credit courses and certificates are a great way to enhance your skills and grow your knowledge base. Classes can be completed in a shorter timeframe, so you can enter the workforce more quickly while furthering your education. Non-credit classes do not qualify for financial aid, but funding is available through alternative options.

NCC Areas of Study

Our public safety and services programs train you to carry out safely and effectively the often difficult duties related to saving lives and property. Courses, that are often taught by experts in the field, include hands-on education within classroom settings. You'll obtain an understanding in the field, become adept with the language and culture of the professions and gain the knowledge you need to live up to professional expectations.

Whether you want to enter the workforce after two years of study, transfer to a four-year program, or enhance your education as a professional already employed in a related field, NCC's public safety and services programs have something for you.

Additional Resouces

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