Business & Professional Services

Science, Math and Engineering

If math, science, and engineering are music to your ears, we've got just the ticket. Join us and we'll help you prepare for an amazing career or a strong start toward your bachelor's degree. NCC's science, engineering and math students are poised to be at the forefront of many of the innovations and developments that will impact our world in the coming years.

Science, Math and Engineering Programs

NCC Areas of Study

Northampton's science, engineering and math programs can well prepare you for transfer to a four-year college or university by serving as the first two years of a baccalaureate program. If that's your goal, our programs can be an affordable and convenient way to get started. Science, engineering, and mathematics graduates are involved in scientific research in laboratories or the field. Others plan or design products and systems, support scientists, veterinarians, mathematicians, or engineers as they do their work.

Several of NCC's programs can be customized to prepare you for the range of majors and fields that are based in biological sciences, including environmental sciences, genetics, molecular biology and more. By working closely with an advisor, you can choose the right electives, and stay on track with the requirements of the transfer college of your choice.

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