Nursing RN

Exploratory Studies Program

Are you deciding what interests you want to follow? Are you deciding where your passions lie? Then NCC's Exploratory Studies Program is made for you! It is not uncommon to discover a career path as you are pursuing your education. Exploring your options makes you adaptable, and being thoughtful, innovative, and adaptable are among the critical characteristics needed to meet the diverse demands of careers today.

This program provides a unique opportunity for you to investigate a well-rounded selection of studies in social, cultural, behavioral, scientific, and technologically-related subjects. From the first day of the semester to graduation, NCC Academic Advisors, Faculty Advisors, and Career Development staff will help to guide this search for your passion and purpose.

Degree Programs

Semesters: 4
Credits: 61
Program Map: Download PDF
Program Details: View More Information
Campus: Bethlehem|Monroe|FullyOnline
Program Type: Associate in Arts

If you're ready for college, but you are still exploring career choices, an associate's degree in General Studies can be a good way to start your education. Northampton's General Studies major allows you to explore a variety of fields and to discover what subjects suit you best. We'll provide you with a well-rounded selection of studies in social, cultural, behavioral, scientific and computer-related subjects. Upon completion, you will be prepared to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree in the major of your choice.

Semesters: 2
Credits: 28-30
Program Map: Download PDF
Program Details: View More Information
Campus: Bethlehem|Monroe|FullyOnline
Program Type: Specialized Diploma

If you're ready for college, but you are still exploring career choices, a specialized diploma in General Studies can be a good way to start your education. Northampton's General Studies SD allows you to explore a variety of fields and to discover what subjects suit you best. We'll provide you with a well-rounded selection of studies in social, cultural, behavioral, scientific and computer-related subjects.


Program Information

The curriculum allows you to transfer NCC credits to a four-year degree, declare a major at NCC, or expand career possibilities in the ever-changing job market with the completion of a degree at NCC. The aim of the program in any of these scenarios is the same: to uncover, develop, and strengthen your talents for future academic and career success. Like all academic programs at NCC, Exploratory Studies provides experiences for honest self-appraisal, increasing your confidence, ultimately transforming uncertainty into assuredness and potential into possibility.

Is a Major Required?

Although you aren't required to major in a particular area of study, we suggest that you focus on an area of interest to make for a smoother transition to a four-year college. The core curriculum provides a strong background in social sciences that you can complement with electives in subjects such as the arts, business, communication studies, diversity, global awareness, and science.

You may not know exactly what you want to study, but beginning with the Exploratory Studies Program will provide a foundation for your future. Request more information today!


Career Opportunities

Students who complete the Exploratory Studies Program earn an associates degree in General Studies.  This degree prepares you to enter a variety of fields like sales, clerical, banking or customer service. Most jobs you qualify for will be at the entry level for the career.

Future Career Paths

  • Transfer to a NCC Program
  • Begin an entry level career
  • Transfer to 4 year institution

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