Other Fees


Matriculation Fee

One time $35 administrative processing fee for new students taking their first course.

Collection Costs and Fees

Collection Fees (120+ days delinquent) range from 33% to 43% of total balance referred to collection plus additional legal costs and fees associated with collecting the outstanding balance. Pre-collection service fees (90-120 days delinquent) range from $10 -$90 per account based on the account balance.

Library Fines

Past-due materials will be billed to the student at their replacement cost plus late fines and fees. Delinquent amounts are referred to a private collection agency where additional costs will be applied and become the responsibility of the student. Materials will no longer be accepted by the library for accounts that are in private collection and such accounts may only be satisfied by full payment to the collection agency.

Parking Fines

$10 to $25; $10 additional late fine if not paid within 10 days

Payment Plan Fees

$35 per semester enrollment fee; $25 per month late payment fee

Returned Check Fee

A $25 charge plus collection costs and fees will be charged on each returned check. After the college has received two returned checks, future transactions must be made in cash or by certified bank check; personal checks or credit cards will not be accepted. Returned checks of any nature do not cancel your financial responsibility.