Resources & Opportunities


Northampton Community College wants our students to succeed and maximize student opportunities and progress toward their higher educational goals. We have many opportunities on campus to enhance military friendliness and build camaraderie amongst our students.

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NCC Resources

Student Veteran Group - Band of Brothers

The Band of Brothers (BOB) is a student-run organization that advocates and supports student Veterans on campus. We pride ourselves on networking with internal and external community resources. The goal of BOB is to build camaraderie among student veterans, families, and allies as we facilitate a seamless transition from military life into higher education and build a foundation for the future. The BOB welcomes and encourages all Veterans, current service members and Dependents including children and spouses. For More information contact:

View Official Banner (PDF)

Veterans Resource Centers

Recognizing our military-affiliated community's unique services and sacrifices, Northampton Community College is committed to serving you. A Veterans Lounge/ Resource Center is designed to support student's educational goals and encourage student growth and development. Many veterans and service members have expressed that one of the biggest challenges faced when transitioning to civilian and student life is the loss of camaraderie. “Lounges” are made to provide comfort to the military community on their journeys, no matter where they are going. The Veterans Lounge/ Resource Center is a safe, dedicated study and community for veterans and service members who can self-discover and build friendships. Some features include a computer lab, educational resources, community resources, and workshops to help veterans complete their degrees and reach their fullest potential.

We promote personal, academic, and professional learning development as our students embark on a journey toward success. Students will have the ability to network, collaborate, problem-solve, and develop transferable skills through programming events and workshops. The Student Veteran Organization on campus, the Band of Brothers, will hold meetings here, and it serves as a focal point for sharing veteran-related information. NCC encourages students to be authentically themselves.

NOTE: Please be contentious regarding the amount of time spent on the technology provided and your presence in the space if other student veterans are waiting to utilize the resources available.

The VRC should be utilized by veterans and service members. This is a safe "Green Zone" space for student veterans to come in, work on assignments, collaborate, and take a moment to decompress. Any misconduct such as but not limited to: policy in the student handbook, disrespecting peers, faculty/staff, or misusing the purpose of the VRC space. This space is a privilege, not a right. If you see any misconduct, inappropriate behavior, or language being used please report your concern to

Veteran Resource Center Hours of Operation

Fall & Spring Semester:
Bethlehem & Monroe - 8:00 am- 9:00 pm

Bethlehem & Monroe - Closed

Bethlehem: 8:00 am- 2:00 pm
Monroe: Closed


Bethlehem Campus: College Center 108 (ALL must sign in on the IPAD)

Monroe Campus: Pocono Hall 110 C (ALL must sign in on the sign-in sheet)

Virtual Tours

Bethlehem Virtual Tour

Monroe Virtual Tour

Veterans Plaza

The Band of Brothers is in Phase III of a $40,000 commitment to Veterans Plaza, which is part of the Susan K. Kubick Tribute Garden on NCC's Bethlehem campus. Over the years they have raised about $18,000 with their efforts, which included fundraising for five 10-foot granite pillars representing each branch of the military.

We promote personal, academic, and professional learning development as our students embark on a journey towards success. Students will have the ability to network, collaborate with one another, problem solve, and develop transferable skills through programming events and workshops. The Student Veteran Organization on campus, the Band of Brothers, will hold meetings here, and it serves as a focal point for sharing veteran-related information. NCC encourages students to be authentically themselves. The veterans' lounge extends support to the military-affiliated students as they transition to living as NCC students.

SALUTE - Honor Society

An honor society for service members. Students must meet certain criteria to be selected for induction in SALUTE:

  • Currently enrolled as a student.
  • Qualify as military/veteran student under locally derived and maintained definitions. Applicant must submit a DD-214. Member 4 copy that displays the character of service (honorable discharge). Applicants currently serving on active duty or in the Guard or Reserves must submit a copy of orders for their current duty assignment.
  • Have a GPA of at least 3.00, with a minimum of 12 credits completed.
  • Maintain the highest ethical standards.

Students eligible for SALUTE will be contacted annually.

ROTC Training

ROTC training is available to NCC students through the Military History Department at Lehigh University. Get more information.

Green Zone Training

Green Zone training Is available for all faculty, staff, and students at Northampton Community College who wish to learn more about the military-affiliated student experience.

The goal of Green Zone training is to help the Northampton Community become more aware of the issues and concerns military-affiliated students face. Upon completion, participants will be able to lend a sympathetic ear and help military-affiliated students identify and connect with appropriate supports and resources. Participants who complete the training will receive a placard to display in their office.

2023-2024 Green Zone Training Sessions

All trainings via Zoom
2nd Monday Monthly: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm  

    Sign Up For Green Zone Training Now

    Child Care at NCC

    The Reibman Hall and Hannig Family Children’s Center provide child care at both NCC Campuses.

    View Application for Child Care


    Culture of Caring: You Matter @ NCC.
    It can be difficult to focus on your academic progress while also dealing with personal concerns. Do you need assistance finding?

    • Transportation
    • Financial Assistance
    • Housing
    • Food
    • Academic support
    • Childcare
    • Emotional/mental health support

    View website for more information