Faculty Resources


We at the Learning Center pride ourselves on working closely with faculty, advisors, and other on-campus services. Faculty advocacy remains the lynchpin of tutoring services; students encouraged to visit the Learning Center are often more likely to seek out additional resources and engage in class discussion/participation than that of their peers.

As all students can benefit from additional academic support, please consider informing your students about what services the LC provides and just how pivotal scheduling an appointment early on is!

Class Visits & Resources

Faculty are encouraged to reach out and schedule class visits at their earliest convenience--while brief, class visits have proven to be beneficial to a student's academic success, confidence, and development. More so, if you would like to have a workshop organized on your behalf (or a routine visit planned), please do not hesitate to email us.

Assignments & Guidelines

If your syllabus centers around a specific project or assignment, and you believe our tutors would benefit from understanding the guidelines prior to your students' appointments, please consider reaching out to the subject specific coordinator and providing them with your assignment /rubric. Discussing what it is you'd like our tutors to be aware of can only assist your students in being better prepared for your course(s).