Follett Family Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

NCC's Follett Family Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) is a space that gives flight to the imagination. It's easy to picture a future Oprah Winfrey in one of the brainstorming nooks, designing plans for a media empire. Or a would-be Steve Jobs, hunched over a computer and furiously typing. At workstations in the center's Fab Lab, you can visualize the next Thomas Edison creating a prototype for a world-changing invention.

Even a future J.K. Rowling, sipping a cup of coffee from the Southside Center's new eatery The Zime, as she takes advantage of the natural light and the space designed to enhance creativity, allowing the surroundings to inspire a magical new world.

Or a conference table full of students and community members strategizing the next big thing. The CIE is different for it gives the underprivileged and underserved entrepreneurial thinkers a platform to bring their ideas into reality.

CIE Our Story

Our Story

Today, with the completion of the major renovations, the Follett Family Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE) can be added to that impressive list as another valuable resource to the local community.

Read Our Story
CIE Fab Lab

Vision, Mission and Core Values

The CIE understands entrepreneurship as a process of discovering opportunities. We understand entrepreneurial mindset as a set of skills that increase motivation.

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CIE Our Team

Our Team

View the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE) team.

Meet Our Team
CIE External Advisory Board

External Advisory Board

View the External Advisory Board.

Meet The Board
CIE Startup Boot Camp

Startup Boot Camp

The 10 Week Startup Boot Camp is a structured program that provides resources, preparation, and mentoring to Northampton Community College students interested in developing an idea they have been working on.

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CIE Entrepreneur in Residence

Entrepreneur in Residence

View our Entrepreneurs in Residence.

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CIE One Million Cups

One Million Cups

This weekly event founded by the Kauffman Foundation takes place in the center every Wednesday morning at 9:00AM.

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CIE Fab Lab

Fab Lab

The premier maker space of the Lehigh Valley. Join our accomplished team of master craftsmen, entrepreneurs and expert technicians in an open environment where innovation and inspiration thrive.

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