Basic Services

Personal Counseling

Are you dealing with issues such as anxiety, family and relationship concerns, body image, depression, academic performance, and alcohol and drug abuse? We can help.

Our professionally-trained counseling staff can provide you with short-term, confidential personal counseling. If you think you need longer-term therapy, our staff is skilled at making referrals into the community so that you can get the help you need.

Counselor and Client

Career Exploration

We understand the stress and anxiety that can come with choosing and pursuing your career after graduation. That's why the NCC Counseling and Career Services offices adopted FOCUS 2, a career guidance system that is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool for use by college students and alums. It will enable you to self-assess your career relevant personal qualities and explore career fields and major areas of study that are most compatible with your assessment results. Students and Alums who use FOCUS 2 make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to self-manage their careers.

Additionally, Career Services offers a host of other free resources including job search directories, professional attire, resume building and more!

Contact the Counseling Office at 610-861-5342 or Career Services at 610-861-5344 to speak with someone today.