Job Shadow Program For Students

Winter Job Shadow 2024

Program Dates: January 8-12, 2024
Application Opens: Monday, October 16, 2023
Application Closes: Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A job shadow is a 1-day experience designed to explore a specific career path and experience a typical day in the life of an employee or team. Job shadows can include a tour of the workplace, a discussion about job responsibilities, and the opportunity to watch and experience a day on the job.

A job shadow is valuable because it:

  • Provides the real-life experience needed to confirm or redirect your career path.
  • Demonstrates the skills necessary to excel in that field.
  • Provides valuable insight into the current trends and jargon of the industry.
  • Helps you start building your professional network.
  • Increases your self-confidence, professionalism, and communication skills.

Student Testimonials

" The most valuable part of my job shadow experience was that I was able to get a real-life, realistic view into the work field and environment. I was able to learn so much from the experiences and advice of people who had many years of work experience under their belts."

" This experience has convinced me that accounting will be the major I pursue at a 4-year school after I graduate from NCC. I was able to get a lot of my questions about the career field answered and I now have a much clearer picture of what to expect once I reenter the workforce."


The student registration is open from October 16 – 31 2023. Students must register within that time to participate. There will be no late sign ups! Please complete the registration using your NCC student e-mail. All reminders and notifications will be communicated solely to student e-mails. Click Here to Register!

The official list of employer hosts can be reviewed here:

View Job Shadow Opportunities

Any questions about the program, opportunities, or registration form can be directed to

FAQ for Students

When does the Job Shadow Program take place?

The program takes place over winter break (January 8 – 12, 2024) so as not to conflict with NCC classes. Each job shadow is on a weekday during the day.

How long is a job shadow?

A job shadow can be one full day (9am-4pm) or one half day (9am-1pm or 1am-5pm).

Where will job shadow take place?

Job shadows will take place at the office or facility of the host employer. Employers are located in the Lehigh Valley or Monroe areas. Some job shadows may be held virtually using Zoom or Microsoft teams. Virtual job shadows will be identified in the application, but, due to the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person shadows may be switched to virtual experiences at any time. We will notify you of any such change.

Will I get an internship with the company after my job shadow with them?

Your participation in a job shadow does not guarantee you an internship (or a job) with the company. However, it’s a great way to create a networking connection that might lead to a job or internship opportunity in the future.

What do I need in order to apply for the job shadow program?

In order to apply, you will need to complete the mandatory online application before the deadline (October 31, 2023.) The application will ask you to select your top three job shadow hosts, and there is an essay question at the end of the application. Take the time to provide a thoughtful answer to the essay question as it may be shared with the host employer.

How likely am I to get into the job shadow program if I apply?

Very likely! We do our best to match each applicant with a job shadow, though we can’t guarantee you’ll get your first choice (we have you choose your top three in the application).

Can I participate in more than one job shadow?

Yes, sometimes. If space allows, you may be invited to a second job shadow, but no one is guaranteed more than one. If you are offered a second job shadow, you can accept both or choose the one you prefer.

Is transportation to and from the job shadow location provided?

No, students in the program are responsible for arranging their own transportation.

How do I prepare for my job shadow?

Once you receive your placement notification, you'll be invited to participate in a mandatory orientation that will cover everything you need to know to prepare. We will also provide a handy job shadow guide.

How should I dress for the job shadow?

We recommend you dress in business casual. We will go into this in greater detail during the orientation. Free professional clothing is available to you from the Center for Career Development's First Impressions Boutique. Email to schedule an appointment to "shop"!

Will my personal information be shared with the job shadow host?

Only your name, contact information, and essay will be shared with the employer. No GPA or other protected information will be shared.

Do I need to provide any clearances or background checks to participate in the program?

Some job shadows will require you to provide additional background checks or clearances. You will be notified of any additional requirements when you receive your placement information.

What if I can no longer attend the job shadow I was matched with?

When you receive your job shadow placement and sign the agreement form, you are committed to attend on the date assigned to you. Cancelling or failing to show up is strongly frowned upon and could result in disqualification from future job shadow programs. For emergency situations, please notify our office as soon as possible.

Can I participate in the Job Shadow Program two years in a row?

Yes, you can participate again but you'll need to submit a new application.

I just graduated or finished my studies at NCC, can I still participate in the job shadow program?

We encourage recent alumni to apply for the program. While we can't guarantee you a spot, we'll do our best to place you in one of your top three choices if space allows.

I’m a dual enrollment student, can I apply for the job shadow program?

Absolutely! High school students enrolled in dual enrollment classes at NCC are eligible to participate. Just keep in mind that you may have to miss a day of school to participate and that you will need to arrange your own transportation to and from the job shadow.