Student Leadership

Leadership Society

Coming Soon

Emerging Leaders Seminar Series (Bethlehem Campus)

The Emerging Leaders Seminar Series is offered every semester. The series varies each semester, but topics may include the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI), StrengthsFinder 2.0, Applying Military Leadership to Everyday Life, Personal Branding, Emotional Intelligence, Group Dynamics & Teambuilding, and Identifying Core Values. All sessions include a meal, are free, and occur right here in the Student Life Zone, but seats are limited!

You may elect to attend as many or as few as you'd like. Students who attend the full series are eligible for a certificate, letter of completion, and free Etiquette Luncheon ticket. The Etiquette Luncheon which happens at the conclusion of the Series, but is not part of the series, costs approximately $8 for those who didn't earn a free ticket and is an opportunity to learn and practice business meal and dining etiquette.

RISE: The Student Leadership Conference (all campuses)

RISE is an opportunity for you to challenge yourself to think differently, grow as a person, and elevate yourself as a leader. RISE is a one-day conference that takes place annually in the Fall Semester. As a conference attendee, you'll first hear from an interactive and engaging Keynote Speaker. After the kick-off and opening keynote, RISE becomes a "design your experience" type of conference where you get to pick your own topics and sessions, all of which will be interactive and engaging. Some examples of past sessions are "Applying Military Leadership to Everyday Life," "If You Can Dream It, You Can Achieve It: How to turn your dreams and goals into reality!," "Beating the Odds: Overcoming Life's Obstacles and Achieving Success, "What Animals?! Managing Conflict," "and "Think Positive: How to Change Your Brain." RISE attendees receive a certificate of completion, a giveaway, a light breakfast, and a full lunch. RISE is completely free to all currently enrolled credit students.

Past attendees have said...

"It was a very amazing, eye opening program."

"I will apply this knowledge to the positions I hold on campus and the way I communicate to my fellow students."

"This event inspired and motivated me to be a better leader. I'll use it to do my best and turn my intentions into actions, instead of just dreaming it."

"I will wake up feeling more positive and empowered tomorrow than I did today."

The final date for RISE is typically announced late in Spring semester. Student registration opens during the Fall Semester. For more information, please see Student Life & Leadership Development at either Bethlehem (2nd Floor College Center) or Monroe (Pocono Hall.)

Spring Leadership Program (Bethlehem Campus)

The Spring Leadership Program is a 10 week non-credit course that occurs every Spring semester. The program provides students with an opportunity to engage in leadership self-assessments and self-exploration, to network with high-profile Lehigh Valley leaders, to enhance their resume, and increase confidence and public-speaking skills.

The program is competitive and requires students to submit an application along with 2 letters of recommendation. Finalists are invited to interview and the final cohort consists of approximately 16 students. Applications are typically available in late October and are due the Monday after Thanksgiving Break by 4:30pm. Finalist Interviews happen the week after Thanksgiving Break, and those selected for the class are invited to a KickOff Mixer the following week. Classes occur on Wednesdays from 3-6pm beginning the last week of January, running through the end of March, with an overnight retreat taking place the last weekend in January, and a graduation ceremony the first week of April.

All course materials, transportation, and light meals are part of the course and provided at no cost to students, thanks to the generosity of the NCC Foundation.

For additional information, please email Student Life & Leadership Development at View our online application here

Looking for More Information?

Bethlehem Student Life & Leadership Development
Student Life Zone, 2nd Floor College Center

Monroe Student Life & Leadership Development
Pocono Hall 110A