Documentation of Disability

Students requesting disability services and reasonable accommodations must present comprehensive and current documentation of their disability. A disability is defined as a condition that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking, talking, learning, hearing and/or seeing and is covered under the ADA.  

All disability-related records are maintained in the Accessibility Resource Center, separate from academic records. Therefore, all documentation of disability should be mailed or faxed to:

Accessibility Resource Center                                                
Northampton Community College
3835 Green Pond Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020  
FAX: (610) 861-5351

General Requirements

In general, all documentation should be typed on letterhead or be in report format and should include the following information:  

  • a clearly stated diagnosis of a disability the student's functional limitations in an academic environment
  • the signature, printed name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator
  • the date of evaluation
  • Certifying professional cannot be a family member of the individual requesting accommodations, based upon a disability, at NCC

Other points to remember:

  • Because the provision of all reasonable accommodations and services is based upon assessment of the current impact of the disability on academic performance, it is in your best interest to provide the best, most recent documentation.
  • Documentation must be a comprehensive assessment that addresses the ability to function in an academic environment and may include recommendations for accommodations.
  • A school plan such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) does not constitute documentation of disability but can be included as additional information. 
  • A physician's prescription pad note is not acceptable as documentation.
  • Submission of documentation does not complete the process. Remember to schedule your preservice accommodations in an academic environment.