Run. Hide. Fight.


NCC Active Attacker Response Program

This video contains intense depictions of violence. It is designed in a realistic manner to educate the NCC community on best practices for responding to a violent attack. However, it does not provide comprehensive guidelines for all scenarios and does not guarantee safety. Viewer discretion is advised.

NCC has adopted an Active Attacker Response Program as part of the College’s ongoing commitment to the safety of those who are on our campuses to learn, live, work and visit.

The Run, Hide, Fight® model was developed by the City of Houston, and offers three simple and effective action steps if confronted with an active assailant, making it easy to remember and act upon in an emergency: run if you can, hide if you can’t, and fight as a last resort.

The move to the run, hide, fight concept is intended to bring NCC’s active-attacker response protocol in line with the national standard for active-attacker training. Run, Hide, Fight is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and FBI, and it has been adopted by many colleges and universities across the country. It is also routinely implemented at the high school level.

Please note that the run, hide, and fight action steps may not always occur in this order, so memorizing them all as possible options regardless of order is a key to quick response.

Beyond the program’s namesake actions, below is additional guidance to community members on what to do during each step in the process.


  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Make sure it is safe to leave the area you are in. Use your eyes and ears to determine if it is safe to run.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Keep your hands visible.
  • Once in a safe place, call police and give detailed information about what is happening. Don’t assume someone else has already called the police.


  • If unable to run from the danger, your second option should be to hide.
  • Find a place that’s out of the attacker’s sight and remain quiet.
  • Do not huddle together, because it makes an easier target.
  • Make sure your cell phone is on silent.
  • Shut off lights.
  • Lock and barricade doors with whatever is available, such as desks, chairs, or door wedges.


  • Fighting is a last resort to be used only when your life is in imminent danger. (However, sometimes fighting may be the first and only option.)
  • Find an object to use as a weapon, such as a fire extinguisher, backpack, book or chair.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the attacker; commit to your actions; work with others to disable the assailant.

Our goal at NCC is to educate our community about the Run, Hide, Fight™ program providing students, faculty, staff, and visitors with the tools to think clearly and act quickly in the face of a violent attack, resulting in lives saved during an emergency.

  • In-person training is provided by NCC Department of Public Safety.
  • A training video is available below.
  • Download and print the Run, Hide, Fight poster for use.
  • If you are interested in scheduling a Run Hide Fight training session, please contact public safety at (610) 861-5588