Nursing Student Academic Support Service

Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.

At NCC, student success is our passion.  It is not enough to get our students through the door, we must ensure they succeed once they have entered.  To fulfill that goal, the College has created Nursing Support Services (NSS), an academic support program specifically designed for NCC nursing students currently enrolled in our nursing program. Services are available before, during and in-between nursing courses. This unique program includes nursing course organization tips, individualized academic planning prescriptions, "take away" test taking strategies, math tutoring with bumper sessions available on line as well as face to face and personalized test reviews. All student friendly interventions for our current nursing students!

View Program Brochure (PDF)

If you are already enrolled in the nursing program and need academic support services for your nursing course please submit the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.

Fill out my online form.